Sweetheart Cultivar

Hyejung Kook

Little litchi, elongated when young,

when ripe a heart-shaped

drupe, fleshy and indehiscent,

how you glisten when I slip

my thumbnail under stem-nub,

strip your thin, leathery, broken

and red-colored pericarp, how you cling

to your chicken tongue seed

when I worry you loose

with my mouth, glossal muscles

and transverse fibers contracting,

action potentials propagating down

the twelfth cranial nerve.


Hyejung Kook’s poetry has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in Hyphen Magazine, The Indianapolis Review, Prairie Schooner, Pleiades, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and wildness, Other works include an essay in The Critical Flame and Flight, a chamber opera libretto. She is a Fulbright grantee and a Kundiman fellow.

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