
Garrett Kurai

Poetry smells

the funk that is all around us– funk

of birth, funk of fuck,

and funk of flesh

turned to fungus.

It will funk you,

funk your mother

and funk your cute

little kitten too.

Lee Dorsey divined‒

Everything you do

is gohn be funky

from now on.


Garrett Kurai’s poems are residents of Monolid, Statement: A Journal of the Creative and Critical Arts at CSULA, (Sic) Vice & Verse, and recited in the Radio Poetique series on the PennSound University of Pennsylvania website. A graduate of NYU’s Creative Writing Program, he lives in his hometown of Los Angeles. When not writing poems, he collects a wall of sound and DJs. His music heroes are Robert Wyatt and Rahsaan Roland Kirk.

Read more poems by Garrett Kurai here →