Faces of Love

Pwu Jean Lee

Loving faces all look the same.

Sunflowers in full bloom,

Radiant, without deviance.

Roses too, biting

the same sweet scent.



If I haven’t seen

a sunflower before,

neither have you

smelt a rose,


let’s go out looking together

in the point of a needle,

or in the mouth of a razor.

Catching a flaying stone.


Don’t tell me more

about the unloving world.

Enough volcanos, glaciers,

and laughing mourning clothes.


A magic glass is needed

to see a face of love.

Or life is doomed

missing it, distorting it,

for disbelieving in it.


Pwu Jean Lee is the author of the book of poems, East Wind, West Rain. Proficient in both English and Chinese, she has won various writing competitions in both languages. Since 2002, her verses ‘A Female Son' excerpted from this book were etched on the marble wall of the PENN STATION in Manhattan, New York City. The exhibition along with poems by Walt Whitman and eleven other American Poets is for permanent display.

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