At First You Hear the Hum of Invisibility

Susan Brennan

Saturn came so fast

we went down into that cave

not knowing

blue dogs with red hearts

and that break-up that won’t

break away from you

Saturn never lied

just showed us the clouds

that we thought were rings


and oh christ, the masks

on the wall

Saturn seems so far

until you start to sink

and you stop seeing stars

what a year will scorch into you

like a tick, a stranger bug

who made a debut on your blood

Saturn I can’t shake you

in the skin and cheeks and smile

clocktowers keep us distracted

and the plays all well-acted

I’m gonna put the Beatles on

let the wind let it all be


Susan Brennan is a poet, screenwriter and activist. Her poems can be found in her chapbooks and book, Blue Sirens (Dancing Girl Press), numinous (Finishing Line Press), and Drunken Oasis (Rattapallax Press) and various publications. She curates poetry programming (WanderWord) at Wilco’s Solid Sound Music Festival, MASS MoCA. With a circus-arts company, she co-produced and staged her poem Chromoluminarism about Georges Seurat’s final painting (RGB NYC). She has written film scripts, a one million hit plus award winning web-series, pitched film stories, and co-produced a short film, of which have premiered at Austin, Venice and Tribeca Film Festivals, as well as a screening at MoMA. Being a part of Lotus's Spring Clover Edition has her feeling sassy through and through. See what she’s up to at

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